Social Scientist
Policy feedback and income targeting in the welfare state. Journal of Social Policy.
Basic Income in Belgium survey: experimental data on citizens’ attitudes towards a variety of basic income policies. Data in Brief.
Wie steunt welk type basisinkomen? Een analyse op basis van de ‘Basisinkomen in Nederland’ survey. Tilburg University: Departement Sociologie.
New Horizons in Welfare Attitudes Research. A Research Agenda for Public Attitudes to Welfare. Edward Elgar Publishing.
The multidimensionality of public support for basic income: A vignette experiment in Belgium. Journal of European Public Policy.
Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front. Essays in Honour of Wim van Oorschot. Leuven: Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven.
Are universal welfare policies really more popular than selective ones? A critical discussion of empirical research. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.
How to Study Welfare State Legitimacy. An Analytical Model Inspired by the Work of Wim van Oorschot. In: T. Laenen et al., (Eds.). Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front. Essays in Honour of Wim van Oorschot. Leuven: Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven.
Two decades after Korpi & Palme’s “paradox of redistribution”: What have we learnt so far and where do we take it from here? Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy.